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Learning Resources Department Employee Guide

Safety & Security

In the event of an immediate threat to personal safety, contact Campus Security immediately:

Orange Park Campus      24 hour cell phone: 904-626-5885
                                          Office: x6760

Palatka Campus              24 hour cell phone: 386-937-2052
                                          Office: x4095

St. Augustine Campus   24 hour cell phone: 904-626-5956
                                          Office: x7495

All employees must comply with the policies defined in College Operating Procedure 1.11 Sexual Misconduct Policy and 3.10 EMERGENCIES.

The College security team provides additional information on its website. You are also encouraged to review the safety information located in MySJRState which includes the Silent Witness Form. 


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The security team presented Active Shooter/Violent Intruder and Workplace Awareness Training at the 2022 Professional Development Institute - you may watch the recording at any time

The Learning Resources Department has an Emergency Preparedness & Response Operations Guide that provides details about what to do in case of an emergency on campus and how we will approach situations, like hurricanes, that come with some warning. College-wide lockdown drills happen periodically throughout the year. Please be prepared to participate in a drill regardless of whether you are a day-time or evening employee because drills happen during both shifts.




See College Operating Procedure 3.39 ANIMALS ON CAMPUS

Security Gate Procedure

If the security gate alarm sounds as a patron is attempting to leave the Library, ask the person courteously to return to the Circulation Desk to assist you in locating and identifying what has set off the alarm. Let the patron know that you are just trying to ensure that the alarm will not go off every time they leave the Library.

DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TOUCH THE PATRON’S PROPERTY. ASK THE PATRON TO SHOW YOU THE CONTENT OF WHATEVER THEY ARE CARRYING. Examine the items to determine whether the patron has a Library or personal item (textbook, electronics, public library book) that is setting off the alarm. If the material is “library use only” explain to the patron that the material may not leave the Library. If the patron has circulating material offer to loan to material to them. If personal property is causing the alarm to sound and you cannot desensitize the material (non-SJR State Library book or electronics) hand them the material on the other side of the security gate.

If the patron does not stop when the alarm sounds, staff should not follow or confront the patron. Notify your supervisor if you feel that the patron is being malicious.

Students or Other Users of Concern

Students and other users of Learning Resources may demonstrate behavior that raises concerns for the safety and well-being of all. The College has procedures in place to address such concerns in a way that protect the privacy of both the person reporting the concern and the student or user of concern.  

If a student's behavior is not an imminent threat but causes you concern, contact your supervisor:

  • Part-time employees, contact the Academic Support Coordinator or campus library supervisor to whom you report
  • Full-time employees, contact the Dean of Learning Resources

If a student's topic of research or writing causes you concern, do not express that to the student. Assist the student with the task at hand - creating a search strategy to find information, selecting resources, writing a thesis statement, using correct grammar, etc. - then contact your supervisor to report your concern. The supervisor will contact the Dean to discuss the proper course of action.

For community patrons using Library services, follow the same protocols but contact the campus Library supervisor on duty. The supervisor will contact the Dean to discuss the proper course of action.

Do not discuss student or user behavior with anyone but those College personnel who were made aware of the concern through proper channels. Remember, the confidentiality of student and community patron use of Learning Resources is protected by law.   

Anyone may report a student of concern anonymously by submitting an online Silent Witness Form.