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Information Literacy Modules: Wrap Up and Review

Wrap Up

Now that you have seen how the research process works and have gained an understanding of how information is presented in different formats, it is time to look at how you will access those sources. In the following modules, you will be shown how the process is used when:

  • searching for and locating books
  • searching for and locating periodical articles (journals, magazines, newspapers, etc.)
  • searching for and evaluating Web based materials
  • searching for and locating Media (video and audio sources)

Before moving on to these areas, let us recap the research process.

Image shows flow chart. It says: Begin with Assignment . Choose a Topic Idea. Find Background Information.  Adjust Topic (Broaden or Narrow) - Finalize Research Question. Choose Keywords and Create Search Strategy. Search Using a Variety of Finding Tools. Evaluate Search Results. If good, Collect Information Using Appropriate Tools. If not good, revise process, broaden or narrow search questions as necessary. Choose keywords and revise search strategy. Continue to search using a variety of search tools. Evaluate Search Results. If good, collect result, if not, revise again.

Remember that during your research experience, there are various ways to get to information. Our next module on Finding Tools will explain how most students are able to locate resources. If you find that you need information that falls outside the scope of published materials, such as informaiton on or services offered by a specific business or organization, it is always worth looking through their Web sties.

Also that when conducting research, always have the means to collect the information you encounter. Keeping your research collected and organized will make a big difference when it comes time to put it all together and finalize your project.  There will be discussions of ways to do this in the following modules. For now, take some time to work through the following review questions and test how you are understanding the material presented to this point.

A Short Activity


See How You are Doing!

1. You are assigned a research project for psychology class on the topic of dissociative identity disorder ( for a 5-6 page paper). Which of the following sources would be the best choice for background information?

2. All of the following are subject fields that belong to the science discipline except:

3. Which of the following research questions is likely to be manageable for an 8-10 page paper?

4. Initial reports of scientific research, speeches, diaries, legal documents, works of art, and interviews are examples of:





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