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Information Literacy Modules: Wrap Up and Review

Wrap Up

Now that we have reviewed the various tools and methods available in the Finding Tools, we will look at retrieving materials.  One of the main points we hope you take away from this module is that it is important to collect information as you work. Whether that is collecting full text articles, or just clear ways to relocate the materials later, staying organized while searching is very important. Gathering as much info as you go will make the writing process easier when it comes time to put all that research together. As we have already mentioned, you may not use every source you collect. That is okay, but it is also one of the reasons we suggest that when the option to gather materials electronically is available, you take advantage of the format. It will reduce the amount of physical material you need to keep track of, and if later you decide to print some of the electronic files, that is always an option.

A Short Activity


See How You are Doing!

1. While searching for information on a short story by Ray Bradbury, you find a book of criticism on his work. What is the best way to see if the story you are working on is covered in this book?

2. What is the best way to find out what a search system uses as a truncation symbol?

3. You find a book in the Library that has information you need, but is not allowed to be checked out. What is the quickest way to capture what you need?

4. What is a feature that most research databases have in common?





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