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Services & Resources for Students

This guide features resources available to current SJR State students from the Library, the Academic Support Center, and the College at large.

Career & College Planning Resources

Career Services at SJR State Take free self-assessments, explore career options through Career Coach, work on your resume, practice interviewing skills & more. 

FloridaShines' How to Succeed in College site is the place to go plan your college path, check your progress, access your transcript online and more.

Ferguson's Career Guidance Center  Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center is a comprehensive resource for career exploration and planning that allows users to quickly find the valuable career information they need, whether it’s industry and professions articles, school planning resources, or skills and career advice. Known for its unprecedented depth of coverage, this definitive career research database is organized into three main sections: through Industries and Careers, users can explore a multitude of industries, career fields, and professions; Plan Your Education helps users find the schools that fit them best; and Launch Your Career offers solid advice to help users perfect the skills that beget success provides information about state jobs, Green jobs, and more. 

Occupational Outlook Handbook  The Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) is the premier, nationally recognized source for career information. It includes information on the fastest-growing occupations, number of new jobs, and a summary of the highest-paying occupations. This Handbook contains numerous occupations profiles and includes information on: -Duties required by the occupation -Work Environment -Education and training needed -Median pay -Important qualities for the job -Licenses, certification, and registrations needed -Contact information to learn more about the occupation -Job outlook Special features include: -Assumptions and methods used in preparing employment projections -A comprehensive appendix summarizing the occupations -Data for occupations not covered in detail -Employment projections & more.