As a student at SJR State, you have free access to exclusive resources and services that will help you complete your coursework, plan your path, and develop skills you will use for a lifetime! Visit our guide - Navigating the River - for information!
Welcome to our guide for Practical Nursing. This guide is designed to help you conduct research. Please use the tabs above to find resources on your topic. If you need help using the library you can contact an SJR State Librarian.
To learn more about tutoring options visit the Tutoring Services page.
Created by nurses, for nurses, Lippincott is the premier online destination for peer-reviewed nursing journals and continuing professional development resources based on the best evidence available. Content is provided by a host of more than 70 nursing journals. Some of the leading nursing journals include AJN, American Journal of Nursing; Nursing2022; Nursing Management; and The Nurse Practitioner: The American Journal of Primary Health Care.