Think Before You Zoom!
We all know how to conduct ourselves when we attend an on-campus class or visit instructors in their offices, but what are the rules when Zooming from home?
Here are six tips to keep in mind when meeting virtually with your professor and fellow students.
Clothing is NOT optional.
Even though you may be alone at home, your professor and classmates can SEE you! While attending class in your pajama bottoms might sound extra comfy, you'll want to make sure that you are presenting yourself appropriately, at least from the waist up. Put on a shirt—clean is preferred!—and brush your hair. While you are at it, brush your teeth too. You might be Zooming from home, but wake yourself up and put yourself in the proper mindset as you prepare for class, just like you would if you were going to drive to campus.
Be aware of your surroundings.
In addition to what you intend for them to see, your professor and classmates can also see BEHIND you. Make sure that there is nothing in the background (other people, your unmade bed, a pile of dirty laundry, embarrassing personal items, etc.) that may catch the attention of your classmates or professor. If other people will be at home and potentially walking through your background, make sure they know that your webcam will be on and they may be seen, so they need to be dressed appropriately as well. If the only quiet place that you have is your messy bedroom with a view you aren’t proud of, use one of Zoom’s virtual backgrounds to hide what (and who!) you wouldn’t ordinarily show your classmates and professor.
Everyone can see what you are doing.
In addition to seeing what you are wearing and where you are, everyone in the class can see what you are DOING when you are on Zoom. If you were in a class on-campus, would you have a pizza delivered and not share? Would you smoke a cigarette while your professor is lecturing? Would you roll your eyes, sleep, or just walk out all together? Of course you wouldn’t do these things on-campus, and it’s not appropriate to do them in a Live Online class either. While in a Live Online Zoom, sit up straight, look at your screen and the person talking, remove other distractions from your workspace, and look at the camera while you are talking.
They can hear you too!
Your professor and classmates can hear everything going on unless you MUTE. Once you log in, be sure to mute your microphone (lower left-hand corner). This will help to eliminate background noise that could distract others and embarrass you.
Raise your hand and wait to be called upon.
If you wish to speak, either physically raise your hand or use the "Raise Hand" button at the center of the bottom of your screen. Once your professor calls on you, unmute yourself and begin speaking. When you have finished speaking, indicate you are done by saying something like "That's all" or "Thank you" and then mute your microphone again.
Chat isn’t private texting.
The Zoom chat feature is a tool to make comments and ask questions without interrupting the speaker but be aware that your comments are public and are recorded in the minutes of the session, so don’t post something in chat that you wouldn’t say out loud in class.