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Career Services at SJR State

The purpose of this guide is to help you identify companies for a job search, find job openings in specific fields, perform background research on companies for interviews and create company lists for targeted job searches.


What is Networking?

  • Networking is used by professionals to widen their circles of acquaintances, find out about job opportunities, and to increase their awareness of news and trends in their fields.

  • Business owners may network to develop relationships with people and companies they may do business with in the future.

  • Professional networking platforms provide an online location for people to engage with other professionals, join groups, post blogs, and share information.

Networking, It’s not just who you know, it’s who knows you.  To be at the right place at the right time, with a smile, articulate message and strong handshake used to be enough to network effectively to land an opportunity. Today, with social media and the internet a professional virtual presence is a must along with these critical interpersonal skills. 

The Internet and Social Media 
Your virtual presence is the only window employers have into your life. Make it count. Keep it positive. It tells them how you will represent them if employed. 

  • Manage your privacy settings on social media sites such as Facebook 
  • Do not post unprofessional photos or controversial comments 
  • Be careful not to participate in negative and derogatory blog discussions 
  • Once it is “out there” content is difficult to remove 

Networking Sites


LinkedIn is the most widely used professional network on the Internet. Create your profile with a professional photo, a headline including your area of study or career ambitions, and experiences that reflect character and leadership. Use keywords so that employers can find you.