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Shizu Saldamando: On Mourning and Representation

Livestream Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 8:00 pm on the SJR State Library's Facebook page. artwork

Shizu Sal­damando is an LA based Japanese/​Latinx Amer­i­can mixed media artist whose por­traits give vis­i­bil­ity to urban youth, part of sub­cul­tures and coun­ter­cul­tures. She has explored por­trai­ture for two decades, cap­tur­ing images of real peo­ple, her friends from the punk scenes in San Francisco’s Mis­sion Dis­trict, and those in the cre­ative com­mu­nity in LA. Pri­mar­ily con­cerned with por­trai­ture and draw­ings, she exper­i­ments with a broad range of sur­faces and mate­ri­als from wood pan­els to bed sheets. Saldamando’s prac­tice employs tat­too­ing, video, paint­ing and draw­ing on can­vas, wood, paper, and cloth, and func­tions as homage to peers and loved ones. Her mother’s fam­ily is Japan­ese Amer­i­can and sur­vivors of the Japan­ese Amer­i­can Intern­ment camps. Her father is a Chi­cano from Nogales, AZ.

Learn more and watch the recording at