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About the Viking Exchange

SJR State understands there can be times during the collegiate journey that are challenging and that those challenges can negatively impact student success. The Viking Exchange is a resource provided to any current SJR State student who needs a few essentials to get them through the day or to their next paycheck – no questions asked.

The Viking Exchange was established in 2021 thanks to SJR State employees who recognized students' needs and wanted to help by donating goods & making those goods easily accessible to students at the College. 

With the approval of the College's Executive Management Team, a group of SJR State faculty, staff, and administrators from Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Public Relations, and the Foundation worked together to open 4 Viking Exchange locations at the start of the Spring 2021 semester. The SJR State Foundation provided funds to buy the goods and supplies needed to get the Viking Exchange started. Employees from the Library and Advising gathered what was needed and setup each location so each was open on the first day of classes. 

The Viking Exchange relies on donations from SJR State's employees and students. Donations are collected year-round with the campus libraries serving as drop-off points.

Vikings Days of Service logoIn 2021,SJR State made the Viking Exchange the focus of the Vikings Spring into Service campaign. With COVID-19 limiting the types of projects that could be done, holding a donation drive to benefit the newly established Viking Exchange was a perfect fit. The College's employees were provided with a wish-list of items needed for the Viking Exchange and from January 11 - 15, donations of food and personal care items were accepted at multiple locations at each campus for distribution at the four Viking Exchange locations.

The Viking Exchange continues to be a service project for Vikings Days of Service. Each Fall into Service, a competition called The Viking Exchange Showdown is held to increase participation in restocking the Viking Exchange.