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Social Sciences: APA Style


APA Style is from the American Psychological Association. It is a very widely used style in the social sciences--not just in psychology. It is probably the most commonly used style on campus.

Web Resources

APA Style: 7th Ed.: Style & Grammar Guidelines
The official APA guide to using the 7th ed.. Covers all aspects of writing, citing, and paper formatting.
APA Formatting and Style Guide: 7th ed. (OWL)
Covers all aspects of APA formatting, including the paper itself and references. From the OWL at Purdue University.
APA Style Quick Reference
This quick reference guide gives examples of formatting your title page, first body page, and the reference page. It also gives examples of different kinds of in-text citations.
APA Style Reference Guide for Journal Articles, Books, and Edited Book Chapters
This resource breaks down citations for journal articles, books, and edited book chapters. It breaks down what you need and how to format it into your paper.
APA Style Sample Papers
If you are looking for some example papers that have used APA citations, check out this resource.

Basics of Seventh Edition APA Style

An APA tutorial for those with little to no APA 7th edition experience. The video reviews the main components of APA formatting (7th edition). It addresses formatting, title pages, level headings and the reference page. Step by step instructions are provided by the University of Louisville Writing Center.

Crash Course on APA Formatting

Run time: 23 minutes

APA Manual

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association by American Psychological Association

ISBN: 9781433832154

Publication Date: 2019-10-01