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Pre-Calculus: Review

Relations and Functions

KEYWORDS: ordered pairs, relation, function, x-value, y-value, domain, range, graph, vertical line test. MAC 1105-3.1. MAT 1033-7.3

A Review of Factoring

KEYWORD: Factoring. MAT 1033-5.1

Using the Square Root Property to solve a Quadratic Equation

KEYWORDS: square root property, solve quadratic equation, complex number, MAT 1033-11.1, MAC 1105-1.2

Graph the Quadratic Function

Graphing by Transformations #16

KEYWORDS: function, graph, shifting, compressing, stretching, reflecting, square root

Dividing Complex Numbers

KEYWORDS: complex number, conjugate, imaginary number, FOIL, numerator, denominator. MAT 1033-10.7, MAC 1105-1.3

Solving a Radical Equation for a Variable

KEYWORDS: literal equation, radical, variable, fraction, square root, real number. MAT 1033-10.6, MAC 1105-1.4

Using Factoring to Solve a Quadratic Equation

KEYWORDS: Quadratic Equation, Factoring, MAT 1033-5.5, MAC 1105-1.2

Negative Exponents

KEYWORDS: exponents, negative exponent, simplify exponents, fractions, numerator, denominator, quotient rule, exponential expressions, negative exponent rule, order of operations, parentheses, cube, reciprocal, fundamental property of fractions, MAT 1033-4.2

Square Root Property

KEYWORDS: square root, square root property, quadratic, variable, square root method, absolute value, imaginary number, simplify, factor

Find Inverse Function

KEYWORDS: inverse, domain, y equals, math lab, write, range, right hand side, equals, notation, left hand side, inverse function, denominator, function, divide, multiplying, directions, switch, solve, vikings, functions

Systems of Equations

KEYWORDS: linear equation, systems of equations, graph, intercept, slope, y-intercept, line, demand curve, MAT 1033-8.1, MAC 1105-8.1

Using the Quadratic Formula to Solve a Quadratic Equation

KEYWORDS: Quadratic Equation Quadratic Formula, MAT 1033-11.3, MAC 1105-1.2

Difference Quotient

Graphing by Transformations

KEYWORDS: function, graph, points, ordered pair, x-axis, y-axis, x-coordinate, y-coordinate

Write Equation using Transformations

KEYWORDS: function, transformation, compress, cube, reflect, shift, order matters, x-axis, y-axis, vertical compression, stretch

The Pythagorean Theorem

Keywords: Pythagorean Theorem, right triangle, angle, hypotenuse, length, right angle