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Criminal Justice : Associations, Organizations, and Online Magazines

Resources for the Criminal Justice Department

These are some of the leading organizations on Policing and Corrections. The information provided on them is poignant and worth considering. 

Police 1

"Police1 is part of Lexipol, the nation’s leading content, policy and training platform for public safety and local government, enabling first responders and leaders to better protect their communities and reduce risk. Our mission is to use online technology and digital media to help first responders and local government better serve and protect our communities."

Corrections 1

"Corrections1 is part of Lexipol, the nation’s leading content, policy and training platform for public safety and local government, enabling first responders and leaders to better protect their communities and reduce risk."


"The mission of the FBI is to protect and defend against intelligence threats, uphold and enforce criminal laws, and provide criminal justice services."

Discovering Policing

Discover Policing, the premier source for law enforcement career information and a unique place for interested applicants and hiring agencies to connect and interact online. The site is produced by International Association of Chiefs of Police.

National Sheriff's Association

"Chartered in 1940, the National Sheriffs' Association is a professional association dedicated to serving the Office of Sheriff and its affiliates through law enforcement education and training, and through the provision of general law enforcement informational resources. NSA represents thousands of sheriffs, deputies and other law enforcement, public safety professionals, and concerned citizens nationwide."

Online Criminal Justice oriented magazines. is a web portal that provides Criminal Justice related news, product reviews, job and education information, and access to three magazines. Officer Magazine, Law Enforcement Technology, and Law Enforcement Product News are all available for a subscription on the site.

Police and National Security (P&NS)

"Police and Security News keeps law enforcement professionals informed about the latest news and information, products, services and developments which affect policing throughout the nation. With a complete nationwide circulation reaching middle/upper management and top administrative personnel, Police and Security News is read by law enforcement professionals at all levels of government – local/city, county, state and federal agencies, including Homeland Security."

Police K9 Magazine

"Police K-9 Magazine is a bi-monthly publication that serves K-9 law enforcement officers and supervisors who work in the public and private sectors including federal, state, and local agencies, the military, and private security firms. Circulation (including pass-along readership) is 25,000. With readers in 54 countries around the world, Police K-9 Magazine is the most widely read and distributed K-9 publication. Our editorial content includes articles about narcotics, explosives, and patrol K-9 training and deployment; interdiction; SWAT; K-9 use in detention/correction institutions; accelerant and cadaver K-9s; military K-9 use; supervisory issues; legal and health issues; K-9 equipment; record keeping; and more."

Law Enforcement Today

"LET publishes the first-hand accounts of how officers have successfully faced adversity or practiced excellence in law enforcement. We also share news about the topics that impact the law enforcement community."