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Criminal Justice : Articles & Data

Resources for the Criminal Justice Department

Criminal Justice Databases

CQ Magazine

CQ Magazine formerly CQ Weekly, provides superior reporting on the world’s most powerful legislative body completely and accurately every week. The CQ news team—by far the largest on Capitol Hill, with more than 100 reporters, editors, and researchers—covers virtually every act of Congress, delivering nonpartisan news and analysis unavailable anywhere else. It is the choice of 95% of the members of Congress, the White House, every federal agency, the media, and thousands of leading businesses.

Criminal Justice (ProQuest)

Covers a wide variety of criminal justice topics, including corrections administration, law enforcement, social work, industrial security, drug rehabilitation, and criminal and family law. Full-text and image coverage for about 50 journals.

Criminal Justice Collection (Gale)

Criminal Justice Database is a comprehensive database supporting research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends. The database bridges theory with practice by providing information geared to those interested in careers in criminal justice, law enforcement, corrections, drug enforcement, rehabilitation, family law, and industrial security – as well as scholars and other researchers who study the causes, trends, and societal impacts of crime.

Demographics Now 

A comprehensive web-based solution offering up-to-date resources on demographics and extensive market level information.

Gun Regulation and Legislation in America

Hundreds of titles that analyze the controversial topic of gun regulation in America, including periodicals, key compiled federal legislative histories, congressional hearings, CRS reports, Supreme Court briefs, and more.

Military & Government Collection

Designed to offer current news and information to all branches of the military, with a thorough collection of military titles, trade publications and newsweeklies. Includes cover-to-cover full text for nearly 350 titles.

Military and Intelligence (Gale OneFile)

Military and Intelligence Database Collection provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and reports covering all aspects of the past and current state of military affairs. The database offers content in key subject areas including governmental policies, the socioeconomic effects of war, the structure of the armed forces, and more.

Peterson's Test Prep

Taking a college entrance or licensing exam? Looking for a college or graduate school? Need help finding scholarships? Use this database to search thousands of college and graduate school entries. Take on-line practice tests and use test prep eBooks to obtain your education goals


Sage Data

Sage Data is a data download and visualization tool hosting social science data about U.S. states, counties, cities, and metropolitan statistical areas from more than 200 different government and non-government sources. It spans topics like employment, crime, religion, and education.

Sage Journals

SAGE is the world’s 5th largest journals publisher. Our portfolio includes more than 645 journals spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology, and Medicine, and more than 280 are published on behalf of 225 learned societies and institutions.

War and Terrorism (Gale OneFile)

War and Terrorism contains millions of articles to help researchers gain valuable insight into conflicts and their causes, impact, and perception on a global scale.