Well… I’m not really sure where to start this post. I decided at the beginning of this year that my reading goal was to stick with the genre that I love most – romance – but broaden my horizons within the genre. My least favorite and least read genre is fantasy/science fiction. Ever since I read Sarah J. Maas’ A Court of Thorn and Roses (ACOTAR) series last year, I decided that maybe I was too harsh on the genre of fantasy and should give it another go. So far, it hasn’t been too bad! But I’ve come to the conclusion that within the genre of ‘fantasy,’ I’m still not a huge fan of the “fae/fairy” stuff. Now, there have been some exceptions to this rule, such as ACOTAR, so I wanted to keep an open mind. That brings us up to our Book Club meeting on July 16th

Having discussed with the group about my goal of trying to read more fantasy/sci-fi but disliking “fae/fairy” stories, our very own Brittnee Fisher then recommended I should read, How Does It Feel? by Jeneane O’Riley. To be fair, she did warn me that it was a “fae/fairy” book and that she did not like it and that it was wild (and not in a good way). With a raving review like that, who could stay away? So, I quickly found and downloaded the book, then waited a few days (because I had no idea what I was about to dive into), then I got started…

So, all I knew starting this book was that it was a well discussed book on BookTok and the synopsis on Amazon – 

A forbidden obsession
Unyielding family allegiance
Three deadly challenges

When a trip into the forest to collect a rare mushroom goes horribly wrong, I find myself falling through a fairy portal and straight into the arms of the Unseelie Fae prince. The dangerously unhinged and handsome Unseelie Fae prince.
What could be more horrible than that? He thinks I'm an assassin sent by the humans to kill him, not a biologist.
Determined to kill me first, and rid himself of the human he has unwillingly grown obsessed with, yet also needing to entertain his people, the villain challenges me to three deadly trials.
If I survive, I gain my freedom. But if not...
The Fae.
I've never felt anything but hate and loathing until my eyes found hers--the vile human assassin's. She is a parasite that has mercilessly latched onto my mind and won't let me free.
My hand itches to be ungloved and feel her smooth skin, even though I would never. The Unseelie Fae royals would rather burn than touch a repulsive human.
I fear that if I do not destroy the girl soon, she may be the only thing that's capable of truly destroying me.


Let’s just say, this book was… a collection of interesting choices. First, the main heroine, who is a human, Callie, is just not very smart. She makes one horrible mistake after another that really left me confused. The main love interest, Prince Mendax, who is the prince of the unseelie court, is supposed to be an anti-hero/villain-who-gets-the-girl, however, he was BEYOND unlikable. Because he is the “villain” of the story, he was abusive and horrible with Callie, and it makes absolutely ZERO sense why she would end up falling in love with him. Speaking of falling in love, I’m still baffled as to how Mendax becomes interested in Callie. He is convinced for the ENTIRE book, that Callie has been sent to kill him. We also never get his perspective so his “love” for her really feels out of the blue. The “relationship” that forms over the course of this book is best described as toxic. Basically, Mendax starts off hating and abusing Callie and then ends up being an obsessed stalker. There is also a twist at the end that I have to say, I didn’t see coming, and I guess, cleared up some confusion about the plot. However, the book ends on a cliffhanger and left me feeling uncomfortable with the toxic relationship and confused with the overall choices the author made.

But obviously I had to read the second book! 

What Did You Do? is the title and it is even more wild and confusing than the first! I won’t go into too much detail into this book since the main plot is about the twist at the end of the first book. However, another love interest enters the picture to create a sad and messed up love triangle between the three characters. Things got even more wild and crazy with the plot, and it ended on another cliffhanger.

I believe that there are supposed to be two more books in this series and honestly, I’m probably going to read them. So far, these books are like car wrecks, you can’t help but look! I can also honestly say that I said to myself, out loud, “what the heck am I reading?” multiple times while reading these books.

So, with all that being said, if you want to read something crazy (and not in a good way), check these out! And if you too are uncomfortable and confused by these books, we can all thank Brittnee for that!