I can't speak for everyone, but the fall 2022 semester was a lot for me. And I mean that in every sense- mentally, physically, and emotionally. Between work and personal obligations, I barely got any reading done for enjoyment (62 books…I can do better). I was excited to read and relax when winter break came along. You can imagine my disappointment when I came down with COVID a few days before Christmas. I wasn't one of those lucky souls that had an easy time with COVID either. So, my reading plans were tabled between the extended illness, catching up with house chores, and requisite holiday activities.

Right before the break, I completed the audiobook The Cruel Prince, book one of The Folk of the Air series. I considered it to be merely okay, but since I already had the other two books in the series on audiobook, I figured I should complete the series before I forgot what it was about. After recovering from COVID brain fog and fatigue, I started book 2, The Wicked King. Luckily, I found book 2 way more exciting than book 1 and quickly became a big fan of the series. When I reached the end of the second book, I was thirsty for more and immediately started…and subsequently finished the third book in a matter of days. I think my tired mind needed a young adult fiction reprieve, and this series gave me precisely that. Finishing this series reignited my urge to read, too. What a relief!

This series is often referred to as a “romantic fantasy series” online. It is, but if you like a *spicier* romance, this series is not for you. I would call this a slow-burn young adult fantasy series. If you are like me, and you like a lot of dramatic build up- complete with an “enemies to lovers” scenario- this would be an excellent choice for you. I might be in the minority, but I like the build-up you get with a complicated romance. What can I say... I want to work for it!

After completing the series, I did go online to read the reviews. Like me, many people enjoyed these books for what they are, silly little young adult romance books involving fairies and "mortals." Some people, who I believe are taking themselves WAY too seriously, had complaints. If you take these for what they are- a nice break from reality- you'll probably enjoy them. If you are looking for sophistication- keep it moving!

You might recognize the author, Holly Black, from her contributions to The Spiderwick Chronicles, a popular juvenile fiction series. Black is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of over thirty fantasy novels for young adults and kids. She has won an impressive list of awards for her work. I certainly wouldn't mind another few books added to The Folk of the Air series. I will follow Black on social media to hear more about her upcoming work.

If you are interested in reading works by this author, don't hesitate to contact a librarian. We'll happily help you get ahold of a copy!