Welcome Back!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a restful break. I, shockingly, DID NOT spend my entire winter break reading. But don't worry- I always have books on deck to discuss with Book Club! 

I hope to see you at the first Vikings Read More Challenge and Book Club meeting this Friday at noon. The meeting is online to accommodate participants from all SJR State campuses. To get the Zoom link please register using this link: https://learningresourcescalendar.sjrstate.edu/event/8401300

I want to emphasize that this book club is not traditional. I want you to read what YOU want to read. And, the meetings won't have a formal structure. It will just be a group of friends chatting about books. You need to know that I'm an honest reader. I'm not going to love every book that I read and I won't expect you to either. I want these book club meetings to be a comfortable, nonjudgemental place to talk and share. 

Please tell all your friends (avid readers or not) about Book Club and encourage them to join. The more the merrier! 
