Hi readers!

A library book club has been on my radar for a long while. Throughout the years many students and staff have expressed interest in a club. Now, interest is great and all, but designing a club for a three-campus college with a very diverse student body was a big challenge! Oddly enough, the forced move online due to COVID19 offered an opportunity that I've never had before. I couldn't think of a better time to try an online book club now that almost everyone has acclimated to the virtual meeting environment. 

I have never been a big fan of the traditional book club model- mostly because I don't like someone else picking my book- so I knew if I were to do this I needed to make flexibility and readers' choice the priorities. I'm also not a big fan of the formal book discussions that often come with the traditional book club. Where is the fun in that? I don't know about you but I'd much rather chat with my friends about cool books than try to answer predetermined questions about a book that I probably didn't enjoy in the first place. 

Well, let me assure you, this book club will be nothing like that! The first rule of book club is that the READER picks the book. You can absolutely pick a book that aligns with the monthly challenge theme BUT you don't have to. The challenge is meant more for motivation and guidance. Some people dig it and some people don't- whatever you choose is fine by me. 

The bi-monthly Zoom meetings are an informal meeting place for us to get together and chat about books and bookish topics. So, whether you are a hardcore reader or not, this is a welcome environment to grow. Come when you can but don't feel burdened by it. This club was designed by a very busy person looking to accommodate all types of people with all sorts of schedules. 

I look forward to meeting all the readers around SJR State. I can't wait to get together on Zoom and grow this awesome community. Register for the Fall Book Club kick-off meeting on October 15th at noon or visit the "How to get involved" page to see the full list of fall and spring semester meetings.

If you like this blog and want more, make sure to subscribe! When you do, my blog updates will be sent directly to your inbox. I'll be posting book reviews, book news, and other fun book-related content! 

Happy Reading!
