I was asked to work on a book review for this week’s Vikings Read More Book Club Blog as a guest writer. Help break things up a bit and allow some of our regular contributors some breathing room in their normal, diligent output. Okay, I said. But then I had to decide what to write about, how I wanted to approach writing about whatever I selected, and the best way to present that work. At this point I am still not sure the best way to do all of this, so I am just taking a leap and providing some background on my process (which there is very little of to be honest) that will hopefully lead me forward to leave this first-person voice behind and gain a firm grasp on a second-person voice. You may enjoy this. You may not. You may find it strange to have a written piece directed into your understanding, as if an external presence can really fathom your depths in any meaningful way. Moving from “I” to “you” does not relinquish the realm of the subjective, it just shifts it. Subjectivity remains in the forefront of the writing in such a shift, and the objective remains aside. This understanding may help you prepare for the book review being presented, the review of:

Owner’s Manual: Outback – 2019. By Subaru

Subaru is a nebulous author; one you can connect with in a very direct way. Their writing really speaks to you, and the tone of this book is set in the forward at the beginning. Subaru congratulates you for purchasing one of “Subaru”’s vehicles. The author presents this idea to you in a way that puts you in the center of the plot, making the key character of the book - known only as Outback 2019 - feel directly linked to the reader. Subaru even goes so far as to take on the pseudonym: Subaru Corporation. With lines like: “We urge you to read this manual carefully so that you may understand your vehicle and its operation,” Subaru really draws you to the text.

Part of Subaru’s writing style is to use many illustrations to form ideas of the concepts presented on the book’s pages. Subaru does provide a nice table of contents and does not just simply number the chapters. You feel more connected to the various sections of the book when the chapters are named this way, and Subaru seems to really understand this. Subaru wants you to feel connected to the content, and the chapter titles are very descriptive of the chapter contents. It does include an index as chapter 14, and the chapter description reads:

“This is an alphabetical listing of all that’s in this manual. You can use it to quickly find something you want to read.”

So as not to spoil the overall plot and development of the book, you are not interested in reading those types of particulars at this time. You do feel it is worth noting that the plot is a bit uneven, and Subaru may want to rethink the organization of the chapter layout in future books. What you would normally associate with the concept of the climax of the book comes really early in Chapter 3. This chapter offers many “system warnings” and “notifications” and associated symbols that carry you further into the understanding of the main character. The character’s motives and operative behaviors are laid bare in this chapter.

Overall, though the layout of the plot is a bit uneven, you feel Subaru did a superlative job in crafting the character and motivations of Outback 2019. The book is worth coming back to on various levels, and at various times. Read it straight through, or select sections to enjoy individually, you feel that Subaru really created a superb book that is worthy of occupying space on your shelf. You have enjoyed reading this book review and feel strongly about recommending the title to your friends, family, and acquaintances.