Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful break and had a chance to catch up on some reading! I know that New Years is a time to set goals and resolutions for things that you want to happen, so here are some reading goals that you might want to try and tackle this year.

Read More Books (This Includes Audiobooks!)

It is hard to find time in busy schedules to sit down and read. So, this goal is simply about finding a few minutes here and there to read, even if that is just 10 minutes before bed. Audiobooks are a great option for those of us who don’t have the time to sit down and read. If you have a commute to work, while running errands, or maybe during your lunch break, you can listen to an audiobook.

Read More Diverse Books/Books You Don’t Normally Read

If you do find time to read, maybe try branching out to different genres or authors that you have never read before. You can rotate your books by reading something you are familiar with followed by something new. This might be a great resolution to have if you feel that you are stuck in rut with your reading choices.

Only Read Things You Find Interesting

Unlike the last resolution, this one is about being guilt free in reading what you like and sticking to it. Only like fantasy and have zero interest in historical fiction? Then don’t read historical fiction. Sometimes we feel that we have to read certain books or a variety of books when honestly, you should read what you want to (unless it’s for school or work… obviously.) This resolution is also about not forcing yourself to finish a book if you don’t like it. If you are 100 pages in with 200 pages to go and you are bored to tears, then stop reading it. This is about reading what you want to read without guilt.

Track Your Reading

While this sounds simple, it can be easy to forget. This resolution is something that I will (try) to do this year. I feel like a read so many books, but I would love to know how many books I actually get through in a year. Tracking your reading can also help you remember what books you have already read, and it can show you patterns in your reading such as most read genre and author, and it can give you a better idea for future reading goals.

Join a Book Club

If you love reading and you want to talk with others who love reading, you should join a book club! Joining a book club can help you diversify your reading, track your reading, and meet new people who have similar interests as you. Lucky for you, SJR state has a book club that you can join! We will be meeting twice a month on Wednesdays at noon at the library on each of the three campuses! Can’t wait to see you there!