Over a decade ago, when I chose to move in with my boyfriend to his place in Bardin, Florida, I had no idea how impactful the local lore would be in my life. Having grown up only about 30 minutes south of Bardin, you'd think that I would have heard at least a little something about the legendary "Bardin Booger" at some point in my life. Sadly, I was well into adulthood when I finally learned about the larger-than-life big foot-esque creature rumored to stalk around the woods at night. This post is my opportunity to teach you about local legend and to espouse my adoration of the big, furry guy.

The seminal work of Bardin Booger literature is a piece from 1995 written by local journalist Jody Delzell. Jody, a columnist for the Palatka Daily News, learned about the lore of the Bardin Booger and took the opportunity to write a small, self-published book about him called The Enigmatic Bardin Booger. The existence of this book is almost as hard to believe as the existence of the Booger himself because it is so hard to find a copy! About six years ago, I located a copy online through Abe Books. The UK seller was asking for $500! I offered a lesser amount (which was still obscene), and it was declined. Since then, I have been unable to find a copy for sale. If you have a lead, please contact me immediately- I have been known to pay too much for books, and I'm willing to strike a deal.

Luckily for me, an unnamed colleague offered to lend me his personal copy so I could at least experience the book. Honestly, I had no idea what to expect from this book. I mean, just look at the cover art (provided below). And those brilliant illustrations are included throughout the entirety of the book. Just amazing. To my pleasant surprise, the content of the book is just as ridiculous and silly as the illustrations. The basic gist is that the Booger (Boog for short) and Mr. Delzell become close friends. The book then reads as a collection of short stories about their interactions, where Jody learns about the Booger's many adventures. It's a great read for anyone familiar with Bardin and Palatka. The references to the local areas and businesses are nostalgic in the best of ways.

I won’t be able to truly recommend the book to you since it’s unlikely that you’ll find a copy to read. But, since I brought this subject up, here are some other resources for learning more about the infamous Bardin Booger. Enjoy!


Tales of the Bardin Booger

The Legend of the Bardin Booger

Jaxlore: Folklore, Urban Legends, and Regionalisms


Bardin Booger Cover Art