As a rule, I avoid "mass production authors." You know, those authors pumping out tons of books. Those authors that seemingly have an unrealistic amount of published work. I find their repertoires overwhelming, and I cannot commit to reading that many books by one person or in one genre. Long ago, I placed Nora Roberts in that category, and I've been actively avoiding her ever since! This had nothing to do with her abilities as an author but just pure avoidance for my sanity.

This self-imposed ban on Nora was going well until a few months ago. A friend of my husband was doing a bit of traveling with his family, and they decided to pit stop at my house for a night. I've become friendly with said friend and his family, so his wife and I were chatting in the living room while the husbands caught up in the kitchen. We discussed our love of audiobooks, and she mentioned a "great series" by Nora Roberts. My initial thought was a firm "not going to happen." But I soon learned that series really meant trilogy- which seemed reasonable. My friend insisted it was good, so I gave the trilogy a shot.

The Chronicles of the One trilogy includes three titles: Year One, Of Blood and Bone, and The Rise of Magicks. Here’s a description provided by Goodreads, “From the #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts comes an epic, post-apocalyptic saga, Chronicles of The One. In a world full of hope and horror, chaos and magick, where everything from electricity to government institutions has crumbled, a group of survivors must embark on a supernatural journey that will unite them in a fight for the battle of their lives. The end has come. The beginning comes next…in Year One.”

Basically, the world falls apart, and most people die. Those left are either as they were or have developed a magical ability- think witches, elves, fairies, and shapeshifters. The leftovers (magical or otherwise) then pick sides (dark or light, good or bad) and fight it out. Book one outlines the "end" and sets up the post-apocalyptic nature of things. Book 2 is mainly about the development of "the one," the lead character. Book 3 is where the fight between good and evil mostly takes place.

I am a big fan of what this series embraces, so I decided to try it. I love a good post-apocalyptic storyline. I have a weakness for magic and whimsy. I don't shy away from a fun cheese-fest. These books delivered in all those areas. Will I say that they were the best books I've ever read? No. Is this my new favorite trilogy? Also, no. Was the cheese almost too much for an adult book series? Yes, it was a lot. But, overall, I did enjoy it. There were fun characters, and it was mostly entertaining. This might be an excellent option if you are looking for a fictional trilogy for entertainment. Enjoy!

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