Since 2020, I've been very interested in wellness reads. Specifically, books that will help me stay afloat during these seemingly never-ending trying times. Some of the books I've read have been well-meaning but unhelpful, and some have been truly inspirational. This one falls somewhere in between.

I was attracted to this book because it is about women's stress. Now, I'm not saying that men's stress isn't an important issue. I am saying that I have the impression that women and men may experience stress differently. I want to know how I can help me. The Nagoski sisters, a researcher and a musician, tackle complex notions of women's stress by informing readers about the stress cycle and how it is fed by the "Bikini Industrial Complex." The BIC and other patriarchal systems in place in our society make self-love and compassion more difficult for women and heighten our stress.

Having read Jane Eyre for the first time very recently, I was entertained by their reference to the "madwoman in the attic." This is their illustration of all women's internal stress monitor. The authors recommend that each woman personalize her own stress monitor and work together to manage stress instead of working against it. So, when you've become stressed, don't think, "I'm out of control for feeling this way," think instead, "why am I reacting this way?" Getting to the root of the problem is crucial in rethinking and resolving stress.

I appreciated that the authors provided practical tips for "closing the stress cycle." Most of these ideas are not new or groundbreaking, but I need to read them repeatedly to remember to do them. I have incorporated some of their more out-of-the-box tactics, and dare I say, I'm having a bit of fun with them. Who knew I could easily fit "smashing the patriarchy" into my daily schedule?


Burnout : the secret to unlocking the stress cycleBurnout : the secret to unlocking the stress cycle by Emily Nagoski; Amelia Nagoski
ISBN: 9781984818324
Publication Date: 2020-01-07